Features, integrations and Customizations
Explore all of the benefits of using the most comprehensive Telecom Network Management system on the market.
Aside from modules that incorporate all stages of network lifecycle management, it is possible to integrate with legacy systems and develop customizations to ensure that the entire system operation meets the needs of the business.
Learn about some of the main
modules and their functions:

Physical Base Module
The Physical Base Module is ConnectMaster™ ‘s fundamental module and is always required to enable management of physical inventory resources for internal and external plants.
- Physical network Documentation of
- Passive network components (cables, enclosures, racks, panels, ducts, etc.)
- Active network components (switches, routers, OLTs, multiplexers, etc.)
- End-to-end connectivity management
- Management of fiber optic, metallic and wireless networks
- Aerial and underground networks (poles, towers, underground enclosures, ducts, subducts)
- Flexible and customizable inventory element modeling

Logical Base Module
The Logical Base Module allows management of logical network resources such as circuits, services, routing, etc. Document data transmission services between active device ports with corresponding hierarchical mapping rules covering network technologies such as:
- Ethernet
Explore the infrastructure’s passive components and how they relate to logical services using end-to-end viewing capabilities.
Spatial module category

GIS Module
The GIS Module enables spatially georeferenced mapping of the entire network through an integrated professional GIS platform that includes advanced network drawing and navigation functions across multiple layers, importing and exporting maps from and to major market formats (KMZ, SHP, DWG, etc.) and using various mapping service APIs such as Google Maps™, Bing Maps™ and OpenStreet Maps™.

Spatial Database Support Module
The Spatial Database Support Module enables the use of Oracle Spatial™ / Locator™ technologies for storing geographic data directly in the Oracle™ database. This module offers a number of benefits such as optimized performance of the GIS environment and integration facilities with other cartographic systems such as Autocad Maps, ArcGIS among others.

Google Maps™ Mapping
The Google Maps™ Mapping Module provides key Google APIs for use in ConnectMaster’s GIS interface, including static maps with different viewing modes (satellite, route, and hybrid), Street View™ functionality, address and coordinate lookup, automatic route calculation, and geographic data search from any point on the map.

Bing Maps™ Mapping
The Bing Maps™ Mapping Module provides the core Microsoft Bing Maps™ APIs for use in ConnectMaster’s GIS interface, including static maps with different viewing modes (satellite, routes, and hybrid), address and coordinate lookup, and geographic data search from any point on the map.

OpenStreet Maps™ Mapping
The OpenStreetMap™ Mapping Module provides a simplified option for map navigation through ConnectMaster’s GIS interface, allowing you to view maps and their major landmarks.

Shapefile support (SHP)
The Shapefile (SHP) support module enables native integration with ESRI platforms, allowing you to load maps in SHP format for viewing and editing in the ConnectMaster GIS interface. Other methods of integration with ESRI are also supported, such as using Web Map Service (WMS) technology and direct access to the ConnectMaster Oracle Spatial™ database, all proven by national and international customers.
Design and planning
module category

Project Management Module
The Project Management Module allows you to structure network planning into projects that enable the control and management of bills of materials, costs of materials and services, schedules and Gantt diagrams, management of activities and sub-activities, project teams, comparison of planned and executed times, and detailed tracking of all project stages.

Visio™ Drawing Automation Module
The Visio™ Drawing Automation Module enables you to generate over 40 diagrams in an automated manner in the Microsoft Visio™ standard for schematic representation of network resources and their physical and logical connections. Examples of available diagrams include rack face plans, splice plans, fiber plans, physical circuit implementation, logical circuit routing, and more. Visio™ diagrams can be saved and exported to a number of formats such as VSDX, PDF, DWG, JPEG among others.

Visio™ Drawing Management Module
The Visio™ Drawings Management module allows you to import legacy diagrams used by enterprises for network resource management into the ConnectMaster™ and manage them from there, allowing you to associate diagram objects with inventory objects and control versions and changes made by users while maintaining a historical record of all changes.

Auto Routing and Service Order™ Module
The auto-routing and service order module allows the consultation of physical and logical resources between any points in the network through intelligent algorithms that show optimized routes, such as shorter routes, with fewer connections and with less optical/electrical attenuation. Users can select the desired route options to generate a detailed work order with instructions for field crews. The work order feature allows you to plan changes in the network configuration in advance to generate the necessary documentation, making changes to the inventory only after execution by the field team.

FTTx Rapid Network Planner™ Module
The FTTx Rapid Network PlannerTM module automates network planning and registration by utilizing user-configurable construction rules. You can define the types of cables, optical distribution frames and cabinets, splice enclosures, optical termination enclosures, and panels for different types of projects and service endpoints. Based on these rules, simply select the desired service endpoints and the FTTx Rapid Network Planner will automatically calculate the appropriate materials for the type of project and design the network topology and generate an inventory of the external and internal network elements.
Management module category

Extended User Rights Module
This module increases the security and integrity of inventory data by creating user groups and defining access privileges to write, change and delete information. You can define users who can edit physical networks only, as well as users with editing privileges for logical networks. In total, there are more than 50 functions that can be flexibly configured for each user group.

Network Segmentation Module
This module enables multi-tenant functionality by allowing complete segmentation of inventory data based on configurable rules, and can isolate and restrict viewing of network segments to specific user groups (e.g. users from one region and/or workgroup cannot view network inventory data from other regions and/or groups).